Cue the trumpets and roll out the red carpet! Today we are bringing you a major milestone with our 300th episode! It’s a two-part show, with the first part reflecting back on how we got to where we are today. It’s a way for us to give gratitude to those that have helped us over the years. For the second part of the show, we emailed our list and asked our Facebook group if there were any questions they wanted answered. We are overwhelmed by the sheer response, and our goal is to answer as many questions as possible. So grab some popcorn and listen in as we stroll down memory lane, talk about our highlights and fears, and all the amazing people we have met on our path so far.
When you are done, be sure to check out some of the shows we mentioned, with Aaron Fletcher and Roland Frasier.
“He broke this fear in me of spending ad money and putting money in to get money back. I thought the way to do it was to create content, offer the content for sale but the way to get people over to where you are selling is to put out more content that shows how good you are. He showed me: sales letter, run ads to it, let’s see what happens.” - Matt Wolfe
“This is not a normal way of thinking for ‘marketers’, but once you start thinking at a higher level...the world opens up to you.” - Joe Fier
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
References and Links Mentioned: