
Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey

The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life. We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun. This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-time. I was a chronic hustle-mode kinda guy and I want to share my experiences and mentors I've met along the way to help you reframe things so you can be the most effective as an entrepreneur. Join in conversations with Joe Fier and various mentors sharing principles and strategies to put this into action for yourself. Please enjoy and share with your friends! Listen Notes
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Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey









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Now displaying: May, 2018
May 31, 2018

On today’s episode, Steve Gordon gets real about how business owners can not only systemize networking but more importantly, how to “nail” the follow-up. Who in business hasn’t fallen down on that piece?

Steve is a master of clarity and systemization, and that’s what he and his team help business owners achieve surrounding their messaging, processes, assets and goals. His goal is to help “old school” marketers, especially ones selling services, make the transitions into “new school” scalability.

If he hadn’t been there himself wondering where his next check would come from while he was trying to grow his own business, he would not have such a successful system to share today. Between his two books, The Unstoppable CEO podcast, and his willingness to divulge some expert networking secrets, there’s plenty of actionable advice for any CEO looking to take the leap forward.

Get some more “powder” for your networking keg from this previous podcast with John Corcoran, and realize the power networking affords from this episode featuring Joe and Matt you’ll be unstoppable in no time yourself.

“The most important thing is to be intentional.” -Steve Gordan

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • What do roller coasters and service-based business owners have in common?
  • How to bring new school systems to old-school marketing tactics
  • The texts vs. “dead stacks” philosophy of business
  • What’s behind the curtain of a simple podcast roundup?
  • How Hawaiian cookies can get you free advertising
  • Your best networking time investment for the business growth dollar
  • What do podcasts, shampoo, and a 70s retro tv ad have in common?
  • Can referral income be as predictable as an algorithm?
  • How to pick the best wallflower at live networking events
  • What can speed dating do for your business?
  • The truth about what your biggest business asset really is
  • Matt goes “old-school” junior high (though his buddy) to get the best business pick-up lines
  • How to systemize the process of process development
  • The best exercise to get clarity on a process and how to move it over the finish line

Contact Steve Gordon:

References and Links Mentioned:









May 29, 2018

Today Joe and Matt decided to do a special duet for you. They do this when they have a short time block in between recording all their podcasts for the month on their dedicated production day.

What would you expect these two to talk about except their recent experience? They share great big nuggets of wisdom they’ve discovered since shifting their entire business model at the beginning of 2018. That’s when they stopped selling and started giving, and they’re not kidding when they say that. Basically, their current business model involves giving away their “secret sauce” about marketing. And yes, they still do make money.

Want to know how that’s been working out for them? Just listen in to hear what’s literally been one of the best business decisions they’ve made in a very long time. Think FOMO (fear of missing out) meets, “You can’t hire us, we’re not for sale,” and what anybody totally enraptured by their methods would want to automatically do.

Dive deeper into some of the relevant topics Joe and Matt discussed in this episode including the Evergreen Profits business model transition and how to make money without selling.

Since both Joe and Matt had some great advice, today you get two quotes.

“You’re sitting on way more value than you think you are, and I think the majority of people hold it way to tight” - Joe Fier

“...The more we share for free, the more we just completely are an open book and are completely transparent about our strategies, the more people are fricking waving money at us going, I want to pay you. How do I pay you more money?” - Matt Wolfe

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Interrupting Joe.
  • Solo, duet? It’s all just semantics, right?
  • How Matt and Joe are like the Red Hot Chili Peppers (who also hail from California)
  • What Joe says is old school marketing and why these two are no longer marketing OG’s
  • The surest way to get noticed in business
  • Followed by the surest way to get lost in the crowd in business
  • Joe reveals how to know you’re doing something wrong in business
  • The problem with linear thinking
  • How to land a coveted spot on the speaker roster at The Hustle and Flowchart Podcast
  • What exactly is their “be everywhere” strategy and how does it work?
  • Does anybody know what’s in that secret sauce?
  • The best question someone interested in the Evergreen Profits business model should ask

Contact Joe and Matt:

References and Links Mentioned:

May 24, 2018

On today’s show, we got to pick the brain of one of the most prolific promoters and producers of podcasts, Jonathan Rivera. With Jonathan’s proven formula over at The Podcast Factory, he and his team produce winner after winner on the iTunes charts. By anyone’s standards in this line of work, that’s no joke.

You may even listen to some of the shows Jonathan and his team produce. Shows like Ben Settle’s Anti-Preneur Show (now The Podcast), Doberman Dan’s Off the Chain, and the Making Agents Rich Show, if you’ve ever considered finding a consultant to help you launch your own podcast, you’d be in great company over at The Podcast Factory.

Nothing like a group of guys sitting around talking about talking. It’s definitely worth a listen if you’re ready to tackle the mic and take your message out to the masses...At least to the ones that matter to your business anyway.

Today we talk about why you should consider launching a podcast, the right business model to use for podcast growth, how to launch properly, building momentum, eliminating bottlenecks, work-life balance and the truth about iTunes.

“If you’re doubling your business...Downloads, iTunes stats, all that crap doesn’t matter because you’re too busy counting your money.” - Jonathan Rivera

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How Tim Ferris’ 4-Hour Work Week is just Jonathan's hedge 
  • An authentic way to make connections to people you’d like to have on your show
  • Why evolution is a great strategy and business model
  • What magic looks like in a podcaster’s eyes
  • A new spin on the 80/20 principle
  • Why you should give up trying to rank on iTunes
  • Which comes first, the podcast or the website?
  • Why Matt fired Joe
  • Ways to build momentum
  • Natural podcast audience expanders
  • What is a triple tap?
  • How to use the direct response model by selling the next action step
  • Joe tells how he really feels about iTunes
  • Why Matt has a mini-therapy session on air
  • Ways to work with Jonathan

Contact Jonathan Rivera:

  • The Podcast Factory where you can learn the secret hack on how to launch your show to the top of iTunes
  • Get a free consultation with an action plan when you book a strategy session with Jonathan’s team
  • Connect on Facebook for live feeds and to discover more great shows

References and Links Mentioned:

Subscribe & Review The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flow Chart Podcast! If the information shared in these weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!

May 22, 2018

If you could use only one phrase to describe today’s guest, it would an expert manifestor. Christy Whitman, creator of the Quantum Success Academy is one of the leading experts in coaching and teaching aspiring coaches how to achieve true abundance in all areas of life.

Christy has a following that’s over 200,000 strong, so she’s doing something right. She’s made appearances on NBC’s Today Show, contributed to Self, USA Today and dozens of popular magazines, websites and television stations. Christy is also a New York Times best-selling author with her new book Quantum Success due out September 25.  

Today we got to talk some truth with Christy about the Law of Attraction, the cycle of victimhood, shifting consciousness, how to get unstuck in your relationship with money, and the art of using the right manifestation tools. Christy was even kind enough to share with us the CliffsNotes version of Universal Law.

“If we are feeling limited in some way in our lives, we’re playing the victim.” - Christy Whitman

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How designing an abundant life works from the inside out
  • Why flipping sucks and how to make it gracefully to the other side
  • What resistance is and how to get unstuck
  • Learning to embrace one of Billy Joel’s greatest lyrical lessons
  • Reflections, projections and how to use them to free your energy
  • What does the bible say about money and how to spin it for a better energetic relationship
  • Which manifestation tools are best for beginners
  • What your unwanted behavioral patterns are revealing to you
  • What it means when you don’t get what you think you want
  • How Matt is secretly like Scrooge McDuck
  • Christy’s favorite books for new students to the LOA
  • Ways you can choose to work with Christy directly

Contact Christy Whitman:

References and Links Mentioned:

Subscribe & Review The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of the Hustle & Flow Chart Podcast! If the information shared in these weekly conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing entrepreneurs just like you!

May 9, 2018

He grew up poor in a rich county of Kennebunkport, Maine but at this moment, Noah has been everywhere in the media. He is the author of “Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money” and is known as the Power Habits Mentor, who invented the term “Afformations”.

He started his company, Success Clinic, in his college dorm way back in 1997 with $800 to his name and a book on how to do HTML. His company was founded in a deep rooted dream and a desire to help people and make a difference.

On today’s episode, we will talk about how to make your life better and make your business grow. Noah will impart upon us the Head Trash concept. Also, he will walk us through some exercises on how get rid of that head trash.

May 2, 2018

Paul Lemberg has done a lot. He has exceptionally grown multimillion-dollar businesses. He is skilled to teach small-scale to large-scale businesses the concepts on how to 10x the growth of their company. This amazing man makes it sound simple and not a complex process.

He started in doing photography, an aspiring artist. One day it occurred to him that it will not work out that way, so he decided to be a computer programmer.

He started building projects or software for people that turned to into products. He had two software companies at the age of 35 & did a lot of consulting on high-level stuff for companies like Dell & IBM.

On today’s episode,  we will talk about how to grow and scale up your business. Paul will also share a lot of useful and interesting information about health & the Ketogenic Diet.