
Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey

The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life. We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun. This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-time. I was a chronic hustle-mode kinda guy and I want to share my experiences and mentors I've met along the way to help you reframe things so you can be the most effective as an entrepreneur. Join in conversations with Joe Fier and various mentors sharing principles and strategies to put this into action for yourself. Please enjoy and share with your friends! Listen Notes
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Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey









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Now displaying: February, 2019
Feb 28, 2019

After his efforts to sell climbing wall rocks in the mail failed, Craig Simpson doubled down and experimented to find exactly what offer and copywriting would make sales. Thousands of mailed rocks later he sold the business and started showing other businesses how to get the same success with direct mail.

Now Craig does over 300 direct mail campaigns every year. He has sent out 200,000,000 letters across the nation, targeting everyone from corporate CEOs to people with toothaches. He is also a bestselling author, powerfully distilling the knowledge of great advertisers to show his readers how to write copy that engages customers.

Take your junk mail out of the recycling bin as Craig Simpson explains to the guys exactly what makes great letter copy, how to actually get results with postcards, and what your first mailing should look like. When you’re done, go check out our conversations with Kelsey Bratcher and Joy Houston for more direct mail and copy strategies.

“You don't get a hundred pieces of mail in your mailbox every day like you do with email... if you're the only guy in there you're going to get more attention.” -Craig Simpson

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Why direct mail is a natural fit for targeted audiences
  • Which businesses do best with direct mail
  • Matching the right mailing with the right offer
  • How to get results with postcards
  • The 3 factors that make a great mail campaign
  • Getting targeted mailing lists through list brokers
  • What your first letter should look like
  • How to convert online copy into mail copy
  • “Lumpy mail” tricks to engage your customers
  • The Customer Retention Path to maximize lifetime value
  • Actionable tactics for local and regional retail businesses
  • The biggest mistakes people make with direct mail

Contact Craig Simpson:

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Feb 26, 2019

Shortly after getting married, Rinesh Ganatra realized he didn’t want to still be a dentist when he was 60. He wanted to be free of his workday and he set a goal for himself to sell his whole practice by the age of 40. He told everyone he would die before he stopped trying to follow his entrepreneurial dream.

Rinesh has used his success teaching dentists the world over how to build their businesses as a gateway to launch himself into his true passion, sharing the skills and mindsets people need to reach their goals and live their dreams. Now he’s showing thousands how to impact the world from the comfort of anywhere.

Get refocused on your biggest life goals as Rinesh gives Matt and Joe endless insights about how to structure your life around your dreams, why silence is when your core beliefs come to the surface, and the 5 mindsets to create an unstoppable pull toward success. When you’re done, get more advice about achieving the life you want with Rob Nunnery and James Schramko.

“Look, your dreams are not sold at the convenience store…  Don't think that because you know what you want that the world is going to give you a plate of convenience and perfect timing.” -Rinesh Ganatra

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Why your life isn’t meant for doing one thing
  • Finding your Pull when the world pushes you around
  • The 3 things that constrict a business’s growth
  • Systems that make money while you sleep
  • How to get excited about starting from zero
  • What you need to get the freedom to change your life
  • RATS: it’s time to take them out!
  • 5 mindsets to create an unstoppable force toward your dreams
  • Tips for setting your new routines for success
  • How to know which distractions to cut out of your life
  • Letting big goals launch you into your next challenge
  • Advice for skilling up to achieve your dream

Contact Rinesh Ganatra:

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Feb 21, 2019

After the recession, Scott Carson sold everything he owned except his truck and his dog. He set off on a 27-week road trip to figure out what to do next. As he drove, he got invitations to speak about the marketing he had been doing on Facebook. So kept driving and speaking and that road trip lasted over 3 years.

Now Scott (aka “the Note Guy) has helped thousands of other real estate investors come to the sexy side of investing by plunging into the world of non-performing notes and looking to “rehab the borrower”. He is also a highly sought after speaker on distressed debt and has been featured in Investor’s Business Daily and The Wall Street Journal.

Listen in as Scott shares with guys his systems to make tons of content from a single video, automated email campaigns that run for years, and the best ways to invest in real estate. When you’re done, go check out our conversation with Cory Boatright for more about real estate investing and more PR advice from Andrew O’Brien.

“We do something big four or five times a month… They don't always work. But the only thing you can guarantee by not doing it is failure, right?” -Scott Carson

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The Marketing Octagon
  • Get real estate at a discount with notes (what’s a note again?)
  • 10 exits that make money from a property
  • How to make 20% cash flow across all your properties
  • The mindset that can raise capital from anybody
  • An automated email campaign that lasts 12 months
  • The Theory of Unfinished Bridges
  • A process to turn 1 video into tons of content
  • Why realtors might be out of a job soon
  • What all top media channels have in common
  • How to pitch yourself to other podcasters
  • Advice for finding the best niche to invest in

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Contact Scott Carson:

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Feb 19, 2019

We got a lot of great feedback about our last therapy session, so here is a new installment where we analyze what makes us our brains tick and how we rein in our minds when they start going a little haywire.

In this episode, we dive deep into strategies we use to go straight into the flow when we start recording, how to sidestep mental blocks that slow us down, and our personal strategies to overcome hang-ups that used to rule our lives. We also reflect on our latest personality assessment and look back at how much has changed for the better since we became entrepreneurs.

We hope this episode gets you analyzing how you overcome your own struggles and what strategies you use to release pressure and appreciate life. When you’re done, go listen to our previous therapy session and then check out Corona Brady for great advice about managing stress.

“My therapy quite honestly (this is going to sound cheesy) is this podcast… because I tend to be someone who bottles up stuff.” -Matt Wolfe

“Just think about how much easier life can be if you actually understand the other person you’re talking to… Just be love, have fun, be cool, and enjoy the time we’re on this planet together.” -Joe Fier

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Our awesome new mic setup!
  • How we avoid mental blocks when recording
  • What we plan out when recording episodes
  • Getting comfortable working through unknowns
  • Matt’s mental strategies to stop over analyzing things
  • The new personality assessment we’re into
  • Why our network is our go-to for problem-solving
  • The benefits and perils of your mirror opposite
  • Joe’s methods to relax, meditate, be cool, and have fun
  • Managing time and energy to stay at your best
  • A trick that gets us right into our flow
  • How to stop comparing yourself to others (focus on your personal journey instead!)

References and Links Mentioned:

Feb 14, 2019

After changing her diet fixed Joy Houston’s fertility troubles she wanted to share what she had learned with other people suffering as she had. She created a nutrition course and marketed it with every tactic in the book. It failed hard. Then she realized she needed to talk with her customers to know how to actually connect with them.

Joy developed her Conscious Copy Converts process based on interviews that revealed the motivating factors and precise language customers use during the full cycle of engagement with a brand. Her results not only get higher sales but a richer experience that elevates the lifetime value of customers by nurturing relationships that feel mutually beneficial rather than overtly promotional.

Time to take your writing skills up another level as Joy Houston gives Matt and Joe her whole process to create powerful copywriting from scratch, what 4 personality types your copy needs to speak to, and how she charts the entire customer journey. When you’re done, check out our conversation with Joy’s husband Travis for more content strategies and get more copy advice from Kevin Rogers.

“When I write every piece of copy I don't think about thousands of people… I think about having a conversation with one person.” -Joy Houston

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The proof you need to be sure your product is viable
  • Why community building comes first, tactics second
  • Working with your spouse (it makes your marriage way better... and way worse)
  • Flowcharts to map all your customers’ choices
  • A process to get a team up to speed fast
  • Finding your authentic copywriter style
  • 3 ways to harvest vital information from your audience
  • How to do psychological interviews with customers
  • One question that will improve your product (and tell you what your next product should be)
  • The 4 personality types your copy needs to attract
  • How to perfect writing in different styles and voices
  • A sales page template that works on everyone
  • What you need mapped out before you write one word of copy

Contact Joy Houston:

References and Links Mentioned:

Feb 12, 2019

At the age of 24, Jonathan Levi had just sold is first company and was on a search to make a positive impact in the world. He made a short course on what he’d learned to accelerate his learning before setting off on his travels. That side-hustle was bringing in $10,000/month while he soul searched... Until a friend asked him, “Why aren’t you making more courses?”

Now Jonathan is one of the top-performing instructors on the web with over 160,000 students and counting. Most recently, he launched The SuperLearner Academy, a private, online academy where he teaches premium-level masterclasses in accelerated learning and productivity, and Branding You Academy, which teaches entrepreneurs how to create 7-figure multimedia internet empires just like his.

Time to step into your memory palace as Jonathan Levi shows the guys how to create courses that are addicting as salted peanuts, the secret to speed reading, and how to become an 8-Ton-Gorilla. When you’re done, learn more about marketing courses with Ankur Nagpal and Joel Erway.

“Creating a really engaging online course is just having it be like salted peanuts where people can’t stop because it’s so enveloping.” -Jonathan Levi

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The reason side-hustles outperform big business
  • A quick test to see if your business idea is viable (do it with your friends!)
  • How a successful entrepreneur drives in rush-hour
  • Why Udemy could be the right place to grow your brand
  • Tactics to track customers and generate your best leads
  • How to find your unique angle straight into your niche
  • The Law Of Conservation Of Knowledge
  • How to pick the right domino that expands your brand
  • A leveraging path to become an 8-Ton-Gorilla!
  • “Lateraling” your brand into industries for insane growth
  • 3-Steps to make engaging courses and repeat customers
  • How superhumans organize their memories
  • The secret to becoming a speed reader

Contact Jonathan Levi:

References and Links Mentioned:

Feb 7, 2019

At the age of 40, Lee Goff had a massive heart attack that nearly killed him at far too young an age. He had an eight-year-old daughter and a thriving agency that was stressing him to death. He sold his agency and started a new one that he promised himself would be too simple to ever put him in the hospital again.

Lee has gone on to pursue his life long passion of mentoring small businesses with a focus on doing one thing, and that is to make agency owners lives easier. He is committed to providing real-world tools, classes, and coaching that can make a real difference in the performance of an agency and help small businesses grow faster and more profitable than they could have ever imagined.

If you’re feeling like you have twelve bosses instead of one, this episode is for you. Listen in as Matt and Joe get a masterclass in simplifying your business from Lee Goff, who shares his essential automation processes, the human psychology that dictates every sale, and 10-steps to finding your most profitable niche. Looking to simplify even more? Check out our conversations with Gonzalo Paternoster and Michael Woodward.

“If people are giving you money they’ve earned the right to talk to you. Don’t try and live behind a digital wall and build a business.” -Lee Goff

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The one thing that separates great advice from bull$^&#
  • Double-Digit Midgets (they’re what your business is for)
  • The first thing every business needs to simplify
  • Breaking away from the small-business diet
  • How to keep clients from turning into bosses
  • Automation to effortlessly onboard clients and employees
  • The limiting beliefs you need to wipe to scale your business
  • 10-steps to find your most profitable niche
  • Your only employee who actually needs to be an expert
  • Why a coach is essential to scale quickly
  • Rudimentary psychology that dictates sales
  • Lego Models (it’s the future of business!)
  • The digital goldrush that’s on the horizon

Contact Lee Goff:

References and Links Mentioned:

Feb 5, 2019

When he was just 16, Cory Boatright dropped out of school to sell Kirby home cleaning systems. He was the youngest and most successful sales guy at the company but it was only the first step in a journey through Christian heavy-metal, Ginsu knives, Ebay, and about 40 other companies until he struck real estate.

Now Cory runs several multi-million dollar companies centered around real estate investing. Between himself, his teams, and his students all over the world, he has sold over 75 million in real estate acquisitions and completed over 1000 real property transactions. Today he coaches high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to get the same phenomenal results in their businesses.

Join the guys for a wild ride through Cory’s journey to success and the latest insider real estate strategies like how to buy properties worth millions without putting in a penny, getting giant paydays with short-selling, and how to get double-digit returns with your IRA. When you’re done, round out this episode with more real estate and investing advice from Dana Robinson and Danielle Town.

“When I got involved in real estate I didn’t know anything about it. I just knew I wanted to be involved with it because of my clients... I would ask them, ‘What made you successful?’ These were affluent people and what do you think they said? Real estate.” -Cory Boatright

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Pushing yourself through resistance to success
  • Unleashing your drive to mastery (it’s in your D.N.A.)
  • How 95% of affluent people gain and maintain wealth
  • Bird Dog vs. Wholesaler, pick the right one for you!
  • How to tap into the trillion dollars just waiting to invest in you
  • 2 questions that can revolutionize your business
  • The treasure trove of real estate people are ignoring
  • Fundamentals of short-selling real estate for big paydays
  • How to buy $5,000,000 buildings with no money down
  • The biggest tax breaks for real estate this year
  • Managing your real estate to weather market storms
  • Where to invest your IRA for double-digit returns

Contact Cory Boatright:

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