When the prospect of spending eight more years in college to become a doctor after earning the undergrad degree at a competitive private college seems like too much, what’s the next logical career choice? Thankfully for John Belcher it was sales.
It wasn’t just any sales career to start for John. He chose to work as a medical equipment sales rep in facial trauma and spinal injury surgical equipment that taught him the importance of being able to express your value clearly. He naturally gravitated to the teaching and training of medical staff on the use of the equipment he sold.
After a few years, John made the leap over to the digital world as a sales consultant for Google’s ad network. While he enjoyed the “techie” aspect of it all, he longed to be able to dive deeper with his clients to help them understand the process of utilizing paid traffic to its fullest.
Figuring out his true path was teaching, John decided it was time to do ad consulting on his own in an environment where he could provide what he considered to be real value to his clients, time. He found Justin and Chaunna Brooke, bought a course on managing traffic from them and knew he was listening to the right people. Not long after becoming a customer, John reached out to become an instructor for them on Google ads. An easy merger into partnership followed soon afterwards and AdSkills was born.
In today’s episode, listen in as John reveals the seven pitfalls of paid traffic, where you should start when considering running YouTube ads, and the importance of waterfalls in your retargeting campaigns. If this episode helps you make headway in paid traffic, tune in to Billy Gene Shaw’s episode to learn how he structures his YouTube ads and Dennis Yu’s episode to understand more about the power of video ads at the top of your sales funnel.
If you just come in every day and put in your efforts, any goal that you set you should be able to smash.”- John Belcher