You are going to love our chat today with Ty Cohen, a longtime entrepreneur, who is now taking over the world of online publishing. There’s a lot of money to be made with Amazon Publishing, and whether you are a writer or not, Ty teaches people how to get your books published in the world’s biggest online bookstore. His students consist of writers who want to get their content out to the masses, authority figures who publish in order to get leads for their courses and high ticket offers, as well as people who use ghostwriters to publish a series of books with a huge audience behind them.
Listen in as Ty talks about what niches to publish in, how to find out what your audience is reading before you pick a subject, and how he teaches his students to market. He also discusses where to advertise, how to repurpose your content and where to find people to write for you as well as create audio books. Lastly, Ty chats about some opportunities he has outside of the publishing world and his thoughts on NFTs and leaving a legacy. After you have listened and realized the opportunity behind publishing, check out our chats with Laura Gale and Rob Kosberg for even more insight and vision into the world of self-publishing.
“In internet marketing we always hear that you want to go with the niches, which is fine sometimes. But when you want to make a lot of money…when you want to be to the point where you are continuously making cash where it’s hard to shut it off, you want to go where the markets are wide and evergreen.” - Ty Cohen
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
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