Today’s show was a fun one to record, as we actually met in person with Rich Schefren, who was one of the first online marketers that we learned a lot from early on in our career. When we were starting out we picked up his free ebook, which has gone out to millions of folks by now.
It was an honor to meet up with Rich and prior to this, we’ve had a lot of calls with him, as we are helping him currently with all sorts of podcasting insights. Listen in to hear about Rich’s upcoming new show, The “Secrets of Being Rich”. Also, in this interview, you’ll notice how he’s a master researcher, and learn about his in-depth processes for speed reading and digesting content to see patterns and trends for the future. You’ll also hear more about his upcoming event, the Coalition to Save Internet Businesses (which we will also be speakers at) and why everyone should attend.
There are changes afoot and these big companies have monster control, so Rich lines out his expertise and future trends of how to make sure you’ll not get screwed by some of these trends that may blindside you. You are definitely not going to want to miss this live stream as well as this episode if you are concerned about the future of your business. After you listen, be sure to check out our shows with Ryan Deiss and Matthew Woodward for more about future trends in the digital marketing world.
“Very early on I realized it was better to be different, than just better. That’s always been consistent with all the stuff that I do.” - Rich Schefren
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
- How to have the power of your own closed-loop system
- Why you actually do want to give all of your good stuff!
- Rich’s upcoming live-stream event with some of the most brilliant minds in online marketing (including us!) and why you need to join in
- The commonalities between online and offline marketing
- How one little report changed Rich’s life in a big way
- The fundamental to operate your business going forward
- The importance of making affiliate connections
- Why today is the easiest it’s ever going to get to market on the big sites
- Why you should wear the same colored shirt to rid yourself of decision fatigue
- And much, much more!
Contact Rich Schefren:
References and Links Mentioned:
- For Rich’s live stream event, go to and enter the password “Hustle” to sign up
- The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi
- The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu
- Driven by Douglas Brackmann
- Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here where you’ll get not only all of the notes for everything episode we’ve done and will do in the mail, a private forum community, plus new training videos all the time with us and our guests.
- Today’s show is co-sponsored by Easy Webinar and Casey Zeman. He has put together a 20% off deal for our listeners. Be sure to check them out as they have live webinars, hybrid webinars, automated webinars, and social media functionality, everything you need for webinars in a single platform.
- Text the word “COMP” to 38470 to get the notes from this episode! They are free but be quick because, after a couple of weeks, they’ll go away (or go to if you are on a desktop
- Trends To Watch In The Digital Marketing World - Ryan Deiss
- The Practical 5-Step SEO Framework - Matthew Woodward