Today’s show was such a fascinating conversation that we already have plans to bring Will back. This is a content-packed show where we talk about how cannabis is grown, how much use is possible with this, and how Will is spearheading this entire ripple effect using the cannabis plant. He is probably the most knowledgeable person we've ever talked to on the topic of cannabis and he has a storefront and experience center with massage, acupuncture, and a terpene mood lounge where they can custom curate where the cannabinoids go in the body. They also manufacture in Nevada and have a genetics farm in Oregon where they've developed a catalog of over 500 unique strains.
Will has literally been studying this stuff for a long time and has connected with investors in Silicon Valley, in order to create an insane amount of patents for the usage of cannabis. He's working with craft beer companies, companies that make jets and batteries as well as some big companies in Canada. We also discuss the impact of farming and folks with PTSD. Will holds the patents on most of these items and he’s thinking five minutes ahead of everyone else. If you've ever been curious about what's capable with cannabis plants, how they're grown, the science behind it, and what they're actually doing in your body when you take them, then there are so many little nuggets of wisdom in this thing. We also talk about how to get rid of the high if you don’t want it anymore, almost instantly. When you are done, be sure to check out our shows with Theo Lucier and Joe Cohen for more insight into biohacking for better health and productivity.
“I just had this funny intuition that they were somehow going to be important. And it turns out with cannabis, it's a very unique plant in that it’s the most diverse terpene producing plant. So you can have one that smells like citrus, another one that smells like diesel engine and another one for pine.” - Will Kleidon
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
Resources From Will Kleidon:
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