
Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey

The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life. We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun. This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-time. I was a chronic hustle-mode kinda guy and I want to share my experiences and mentors I've met along the way to help you reframe things so you can be the most effective as an entrepreneur. Join in conversations with Joe Fier and various mentors sharing principles and strategies to put this into action for yourself. Please enjoy and share with your friends! Listen Notes
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Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey









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Now displaying: 2020
Jan 28, 2020

We are back today with another awesome Therapy Session which we recorded right after we finished creating a training course over at WealthFit. Their process for creating courses is amazing, and one of these days we’ll make a behind the scenes video for you. This segways into our focus of creating more content for other platforms, such as courses. 

Also on today’s show, we discuss some things that have changed since our last therapy session episode, some areas in our business that will be given less focus and where we are headed going forward. We also had some a-ha moments lately, which has helped to really zone in on our future business plans and helped our creativity to really take off. 

We talk about our affiliate marketing strategies, what most affiliate marketers are doing wrong, and how to set yourself apart from the rest, to build up the most value and have a supportive, tuned-in audience for the long term. After you’ve soaked all this in, be sure to check out our shows with Dustin Mathews and Robert Farrington for even more insight on how to scale your business and capture an audience that loves your content.

We masterminded a few days ago about how can we make this podcast even better, how can we make it more valuable to the listener, how can we provide even more freely and make it so people listening would go ‘Damn, I would have paid for this information’. That’s really our goal with this show.” - Matt Wolfe

We love to experiment and tinker and go down business models, of course, but we also love to share what we are doing and actually see results from other people.“ - Joe Fier

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • An update to our latest update and what we are really focused on now
  • All the cool events we will be attending and speaking at in the next few months and how you can meet up with us
  • How we realized where we should put our attention (and tips on how you can make the most out of your business intentions as well)
  • One key thing we are doing with our affiliate traffic that almost no one else is doing, but is a huge asset to our business
  • One of our latest “a-ha” moments, which seems so simple, but was a real eye-opener and led to a huge burst of inspiration for new ideas
  • What most affiliate marketers are doing wrong and how to market products the right way so the big ad networks will love you 
  • What people really want when looking at products and how to convert search traffic into buyers
  • Soooo many shout-outs in this episode, too many to list. Are you one of them?
  • Affiliates 4 Lyfe, yup that’s us - search it now!
  • And much, much more!

Contact Us At :

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Jan 23, 2020

We’re back and today we are chatting with Nathan Hirsch, creator of (which he just recently sold) and the upcoming Outsource School. This whole conversation is around finding the right team members, what should of criteria you should have for finding the right team members, what sort of things you should hire for, how to hire if you don’t feel like you are ready financially, and pretty much everything you need to know about getting good team members in place and what sort of things to be prepared for in this process.

Nate’s passions lie in running great companies but also hiring great people and having an awesome culture around that. We even touched on how the acquisition came to be and his exiting the business as well as the criteria Nathan set to make sure it was acquired by the right people who will run the business in almost the same way as he, in a way that is the most beneficial for not only his customers14 but his employees. After you’ve listened, be sure to check out our shows with Tim Francis and Gina Horkey for even more tips on how to find and hire the right people to make your business run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

If we were going to sell Freeeup, we had things that were important to us. We wanted to sell it to someone who wasn’t going to destroy and break it down. We wanted someone who loved the idea, loved the concept and was going to keep it and grow it.” - Nathan Hirsch

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • The importance of having a “Do Not Do” List for your VA’s
  • How to interview potential new hires properly 
  • Nathan’s 90-day rule takeaway
  • How to properly vet developers 
  • Which are the two best roles to hire for a VA at first
  • How to hire a VA even if you have a slim budget
  • How to build the right team and get them on the same page as you
  • How to build an awesome company culture so employees never want to leave
  • What to include in a great Standard Operating Procedure
  • And much, much more!

Contact Nathan Hirsch:

References and Links Mentioned:



Jan 21, 2020

Today we are back talking with C.J. Martin, founder, and owner of Crossfit Invictus, one of the most premier Crossfit gyms out there and probably one of the largest as well. They are the most recognized Crossfit gym, based out of San Diego, and they also have online courses and trainings. For the last 11 consecutive years, they have had a presence at the Crossfit Games - the most elite of the elite of Crossfit athletes - with a team competing.

A lot of folks know about Invictus, but C.J.. says there’s never been a focus on the brand, as his goal is to get to the core of the wants and needs of the people to make them better people. We talk about how he managed to build such a successful brand, and how his gym is doing very well while others have struggled. Also, we discuss the mindset traits he instills into his members which is very similar to the attributes that entrepreneurs have, and are qualities that can empower anyone. 

Listen in, as C.J. gets vulnerable talking about how the business almost went under, and how he persevered by challenging himself. And when you’re done, be sure to check out our shows with Marshall Wayne and Sunny Lenarduzzi on how to build a world-class brand that stands out.

I just realized that my lifelong impact was not going to be there. I wasn’t sure that I wanted it written on my tombstone - ‘Successfully defended lots of Fortune 500 companies’” - C.J. Martin

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to install discipline in your life (and in the lives of others)
  • How Crossfit establishes mental toughness and stability
  • The real meaning behind Invictus 
  • Why C.J. jumped out of a moving bus (and why that ended up being a good thing)
  • Questions C.J. asks in the beginning when members sign up to put them on the right training path
  • How his gym stands out from most others and how this benefits his members
  • How C.J. was able to self fund a startup business and quit working his full-time job
  • How being uncomfortable helps you move ahead, both at the gym and in life in general
  • Establishing priorities and values that help establish your work/life balance
  • The turning point that almost caused Crossfit Invictus to fail, and how C.J. was able to forge ahead
  • And much, much more!

Contact C.J. Martin:

References and Links Mentioned:




Jan 16, 2020

What better way to start off a new year than by listening to our show today with Nir Eyal. He’s a former Lecturer in Marketing at Stanford's Graduate School of Business and also taught at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. His first book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, is an international bestseller and taught Silicon Valley how to design behavior. His next book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life, reveals the Achilles' heel of distraction and provides a guidebook for getting the best of technology without letting it get the best of us. 

In today’s show, Nir dives deep into all the ways we get distracted in today’s world and best practices for becoming indistractable, so you can stay focused, get more done and still have time to schedule downtime, fun stuff and the things that you place your most important values on, such as health and family time. After listening, go check out our conversations with Brad Spencer and Henry Evans for more time saving tips on how to plan out your week for maximum efficiency and focus.

The skill of the century is going to be to become indistractable. There’s going to be a bifurcation out there of two different kinds of people. The people who let their attention and minds be controlled by somebody else, and those who say, ‘Nope - I am indistractable’.” - Nir Eyal

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to schedule time in your week effectively to get things done
  • Why you should rip up that to-do list
  • How to avoid fights with your partner about household chores
  • Which technology to avoid and which ones will help you actually become more productive
  • The magic of “timeboxing” your week
  • Why you should schedule not only your work plans but your Facebook or other apps for downtime and even your nightly sleep
  • Why everyone should make time for reflecting, even at work
  • The right way to reinforce your identity to become empowered
  • How to react to those annoying internal triggers
  • And much, much more!

Contact Nir Eyal:



Jan 14, 2020

We’re back today with another fabulous show, talking with Eric Berman who runs an awesome agency in San Diego and the best mastermind event we’ve ever attended with an amazing format and caliber of people, called SpeakEasy. 

Eric is a founder and partner at Brandetize Inc., an interactive digital marketing agency who looks to make a positive impact by escalating authentic brands to their full potential. Eric has been involved as a founder and consultant for several companies and currently organizes several entrepreneurial and networking groups. His first endeavor was actually leading a team of over 400 employees in what was the first "facebook" before there was a Facebook back in the early days of the Internet. Side note - Eric' brother went on to be one of the founders of MySpace!

Once you’re done listening, be sure to listen to our episodes with Lee Goff and Ralph Burns, for more insights on how to up your business and/or agency game.

As an entrepreneur these are life lessons - you think that, what can go wrong and your untouchable. There’s always something. We never even thought that could happen.” - Eric Berman

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Why masterminding with your competition is always a good idea
  • How Eric is able to run a successful agency with less than 20 clients who are all making a positive impact on the world
  • Eric’s tips for running an effective mastermind
  • The importance of company culture and how to run a business where your employees are looking forward to coming to work
  • How Eric’s early days with certain entrepreneurs shaped his future business philosophy
  • Hand picking your clients for a win-win
  • A handful of fun activities that Brandetize does for their employees which go a long ways towards their welcoming environment
  • How Eric handles never ending opportunities for potential business deals
  • And much, much more!

Contact Eric Berman:

References and Links Mentioned:


Jan 9, 2020

Nicknamed the ‘female David Ogilvy’, Sue Rice is a long-time marketing strategist, professional copywriter and international communications expert. She is famous for the award-winning copy she has written for countless entrepreneurs as well as prestigious companies such as Ericsson, LEGO, Nike, Salomon and Wrangler.

Her specialty is email copywriting and her Done-For-You email sequences deliver record-breaking open rates (40%-60%) and CTRS (5-10%), boosting her clients’ sales and building their communities.

You will really enjoy our conversation as Sue shares her wealth of knowledge and copywriting tips that she has amassed over the years. After you have listened, be sure to check out our episodes with Joy Houston and Adil Amarsi for additional tactics on writing amazing sales copy. 

You undercut your power when you need to be liked by everyone.” - Sue Rice

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Ways to gather pain points of your audience
  • Headlines that work to get those high open rates
  • A copywriting trick that has proven results
  • How to connect with your audience by watching Netflix
  • The yin and yang of email marketing
  • Why everything is the same in today’s marketing and how to set yourself apart
  • What you should not be talking about in your message 
  • Storytelling tips to make your communications more interesting 
  • And much, much more!

Contact Sue Rice:

  • Email: - Sue works with people in a couple different ways. She has a lot of DFY services as a copywriter. She also has workshops and does copywriting critiques for people 

References and Links Mentioned:

Jan 7, 2020

Austin Sams helps Family Entrepreneurs who value time over money – but who also need to support their family – by sharing exactly how to leverage expertise into consistent income.

After running several multi-million dollar businesses for someone else, he started over to prove that he could create a highly profitable business from scratch, without sacrificing his wife and kids. By applying unique strategies, he built a freedom business and now enjoys running a multi-six figure business, working 2 hours per day from home.

He has some fresh perspectives that you are going to love to hear. We had connected at the New Media Summit and since we had so many enlightening conversations at dinner each night, we decided to record those here in this podcast for you today. 

Once you’ve listened, be sure to check out our previous shows with Aaron Fletcher and Jason Moffatt on how to delegate, automate and work less but still have the financial freedom you desire. 

Don’t live another day or week thinking it’s going to be better someday. By all means, if you have a good job and you’re making money, bank as much money in your own startup fund as possible and self-invest.” - Austin Sams

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to set up your life and your business on your own terms
  • How Austin was able to combine his marketing service with a SAAS model to create recurring income
  • The importance of continuing to check in
  • Austin’s 10 point checklist and a few steps you can take today to begin creating your ideal lifestyle
  • How to correctly refer to your business to clients, present and future
  • Austin’s super simple funnel that converts
  • The parameters Austin set for his business which gets him only the clients he wants
  • Questions to consider from a business optimization standpoint
  • How Austin was able to get to a point of working only two hours a day
  • Choosing the right business model for yourself
  • Austin’s simple, attention getting opening for potential clients at his discovery meeting which works
  • And much, much more!

Contact Austin Sams:

References and Links Mentioned:

  • Are you ready to be EPIC with us?! Then grab our EGP Letter here where you’ll get not only all of the notes for everything episode we’ve done and will do in the mail, a private forum community, plus new training videos all the time with us and our guests. 
  • Today’s show is co-sponsored by Easy Webinar and Casey Zeman.  He has put together a 20% off deal for our listeners. Be sure to check them out as they have live webinars, hybrid webinars, automated webinars and social media functionality, everything you need for webinars in a single platform. 
  • A 3-Step Framework To Automate Everything - Aaron Fletcher 
  • How To Live Like You’re Permanently On Vacation - Jason Moffatt


Jan 2, 2020

We’re back again, this time with another podcaster, Tyrone Shum. He is running a massive podcast over in Australia and has one of the top podcasts in the real estate space called Property Investory with 1.3 million downloads since 2017. Clearly, Tyrone knows how to grow and monetize as well. You’ll hear some discussions about ideas we gave him and vice versa, as we are working well together. 

What’s really cool about his story is that he discusses his not only his successes but his fears around podcasting. He’s a very systematic guy, and he explains what his systems are and what he’s done to not only launch and grow his show but make money as well. We go behind the scenes on what we love and don’t love about podcasting, the insecurities about podcasting as well as how to get big-name guests on your show. Also how to maintain that relationship. 

This is basically a master class on growing and profiting with your show. The way Tyrone approaches podcasting is super cool and unique and the way he applies it to business is very strategic. He’s got so many different ways which allow him to stand out and grow the show very big. After you’ve listened to the show, be sure to check out the other episodes we mentioned that we recorded with Casey Zeman and Dennis Yu for more podcasting tips.

When I spoke to a lot of listeners, they say the same thing...the reason why Property Investory stands out is because it tells a story. It’s not like any other podcast out there where you actually delve into the background where they grew up to all the way through to how they got started in property .” - Tyrone Shum

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Some growth and monetization strategies that even we were not aware of
  • What we love about podcasting and some things we are not entirely fond of as well
  • How to attract big-name guests to your show, and once you’ve connected, how to continuously maintain that relationship
  • Tyrone’s ideas behind his membership model
  • How he has been able to leverage his relationships for some big affiliate income
  • Ten growth strategies and 7-8 monetization strategies, not including those boring ones we all know
  • Why Tyrone’s listeners tell him constantly that his podcast rises above all the rest
  • Some tips and tricks he learned while working in real estate previously that helps keep him top of mind
  • And much, much more!

Contact Tyrone Shum:

  • - you can get a free report on how to generate an extra 15% with real estate. Once you subscribe, feel free to send Tyrone an email as well, if you have more questions.

References and Links Mentioned:

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