
Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey

The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life. We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun. This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-time. I was a chronic hustle-mode kinda guy and I want to share my experiences and mentors I've met along the way to help you reframe things so you can be the most effective as an entrepreneur. Join in conversations with Joe Fier and various mentors sharing principles and strategies to put this into action for yourself. Please enjoy and share with your friends! Listen Notes
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Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey









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Now displaying: August, 2019
Aug 29, 2019

Cue the fanboy alarm as we talk to James Altucher, a fellow podcaster who we love listening to, as well as an excellent author whose books we recommend. In this episode you’ll hear James lay out a super practical thought exercise that you can do along with us, to determine a life of wealth freedom, for whatever that means to you in the most conservative way possible to keep that money flowing.

James has started 20 companies, 17 of which have failed. You’ll hear how he has gone through some amazing wins and losses, the important lessons he’s learned along the way, and how he has come to realize you really don’t need as much you think, both in terms of physical items and monetarily.

James is such a likeable, humble guy and a wonderful conversationalist, we just know you’ll love this episode as much as did. After listening, go check out our conversations with Justin Malek, Lee Rankinen and Nick Loper for more information on podcasting and freeing up your time.

I used to have more rules. My only rule now is - are there people going into this investment with me who are smarter and more successful. If yes, invest. If no, then don’t invest.” - James Altucher

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How James sold all of his possessions and lived out of AirBNB’s 
  • What happened that one time James had a real J.O.B.
  • How to pick the right investment for angel investing
  • How to determine how much money you actually need
  • How to invest money to live off of it passively
  • How to compare yourself to billionaires the right way
  • How to create this wealth for yourself in a straight line approach
  • Rules for which company to consider when investing
  • And much, much more!

Contact James Altucher:

References and Links Mentioned:


Aug 27, 2019

Today we are talking to Tobias Rauscher, a digital nomad traveling the world with a guitar and a laptop and also one of the best guitarists we’ve ever heard. Not only is he a talented guitarist who you should definitely check out, he has created a beast of a YouTube channel with over 35,000,000 views and around 400,000 subscribers. We break down a ton of strategies as to how he got to that point, including his Satellite Strategy which has helped him get a ton of subscribers, views and customers to his courses.

This episode is part strategy on how to get your channel rolling and your videos seen, part course creation tips and then a look into Tobias’ digital nomad lifestyle and how he is able to travel around the world while also teaching students online. After you’ve listened, round out your YouTube insights listening to our previous episodes with Brian G. Johnson and John Belcher.

YouTube has this complete ecosystem per country. For example, in Germany you have all these German channels, you don’t even go to the American ones.” - Tobias Rauscher

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How Tobias was able to get to over 400,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel
  • How to use the Satellite Strategy to drive traffic to courses
  • The best places to check out if you want to hang with other digital nomads
  • How Tobias is able to set up courses and eventually be more hands off
  • The right way to connect with other content creators to bring more views to your own content
  • And much, much more!

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Aug 22, 2019

Our episode with Dustin Mathews of WealthFit was recorded on location at his office in San Diego where he’s got an amazing podcast and video setup. WealthFit is both a podcast and creative training studio, and in this episode we talk about a host of subjects such as growing a podcast, running a business around creating training content, how to have successful partnerships as well as real estate investing and general guidelines for long term financial growth.

Dustin has had an interesting path and you’ll hear how he found his way into a variety of ventures sometimes by accident, often times being an inverted newbie, but was still able to come out ahead by talking to the right people and using what knowledge he had in marketing at the time. You’ll also hear Dustin’s take on finding key team members and the important questions he asks them to make sure they are a good fit.

After you’ve listened, be sure to check out our past shows we’ve done with Esther Kiss and Scott Carson to give you some additional intake on podcasting and real estate investing. 

People are an important part of the equation and anytime you can insert yourself into a chaotic environment is powerful.” - Dustin Mathews

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • Tips on how to start a podcast
  • How to reach out to your network
  • Ideas on investing the smart way
  • What to look for in potential hires
  • A defining moment and big question that led to Dustin changing careers
  • Some key questions to determine if people will be a good fit for your team 
  • How timing and being in the right place at the right time is everything
  • The power of the Dream 100 list
  • And much, much more!

Contact Dustin Mathews:

References and Links Mentioned:






Aug 20, 2019

We’re back again, and on this episode it’s just us as we dive into another round of our  Therapy Sessions. First off, we review how we are continuing to be on the forefront of all that is in the podcasting world and how podcasting continues to be a content machine which can lead to so many monetization models such as newsletters, high ticket offers, sponsorships and continuity offers. 

Next, we are not holding back as we talk about how we both have struggled with stress and anxiety in the past, what we have done and are doing now to combat that, leaving us to feel much better current day.  We feel that this is an issue that is not always discussed in today’s world, but really needs to be and we look into our personal lives a little more to talk about the things that all of us, as entrepreneurs deal with along with the practices that have made a big difference in our lives, in our relationships, health and overall well-being. Remember - as entrepreneurs, you are not alone.

When you’re done, check out the episodes we did with with Travis Ketchum and Sam Khorramian where we delve into this important topic even more.

Now we have podcasts and Google is indexing not only the show notes / the blog post of that show but they are actually indexing podcasts now. There’s this interesting wave now that.” - Joe Fier

“Isn’t it funny how much better business works when you build things people want instead of what you think they want.” - Matt Wolfe

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to deal with struggles and hardships
  • Why we are in the barrel of podcasting now and how to catch that wave
  • Matt’s heartfelt Facebook post and the most surprising outcome about it
  • Why podcasting is not going away and how you can monetize it
  • Why so many people have reached out to us lately to assist them with their own podcasts
  • Tips and method for breathing, journaling and generally taking care of your health
  • And much, much more!

Contact :

  • If you are interested in podcast consulting (as of this podcast we are full, but we do have spots open up occasionally) reach out to us at

References and Links Mentioned:

Aug 15, 2019

James Schramko is one of only three people who have been on at least three episodes with us. With his podcast at James has been dishing out amazing content every week for over ten years. 

We covered a lot on this episode and it starts with a history lesson of how he’s grown his businesses over the years and it morphed into a conversation about how to keep these members around. He also discusses all these crazy benchmarks and shares how he tracks all his data using Wicked Reports, sharing some things that most marketers never share.

If you’re not following James somewhere, go do it. It’s hard not to love this guy, as you’ll hear with so much value on this episode. We also discuss our entire business model as well and our visions for offering value first and how best to accomplish that. Once you are done, be sure to listen to our previous episodes with Aaron Fletcher who also has a thriving membership site and Roland Frasier to round it out.

“The mindset aspect is the constant thing as an entrepreneur, if you figure out that game, that’s the difference between having your life of joy or your life of misery.” - James Schramko

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to get people sold into your membership
  • How to keep these members around
  • History of James Shcramko’s business and how he marketed it
  • James’ vital numbers with over 7 years of data using Wicked Reports
  • How James constantly refines and tunes his business
  • The holy grail of conversion 
  • The importance of mindset and what you need to consider before raising your goals
  • And much, much more!

Contact James Schramko:

References and Links Mentioned:



Aug 13, 2019

On October 15th, 2002, Angelo Sisco was involved in a hit and run motorcycle accident that changed his life forever. In an instant, he went from being a 20-year-old entrepreneur to someone fighting to save his leg and his way of life.

After 8 surgeries, two months in a hospital bed, 5 months of daily rehab, Angelo fell into a deep depression.

In 2009 he discovered CrossFit and everything changed once again. He had a new focus and a new purpose in life. After he lost close to 100 pounds, he opened up his own Crossfit gym in 2010, helping others to be the best version of themselves. 

In 2018 Angelo launched Alpha Hippie, a movement to help men find their purpose and grow. He does through his podcast, talks, and his course Masculine Mastery.

Angelo Sisco then teamed up with his mentor Jason Leydon in 2018 to create Conquer. 

Angelo has an amazing, colorful story. Listen as we break down his mission and how he transitioned into this character he wanted to be. He walks us through many ways that you can do the same if you are stuck in your own life and discusses the four main barriers in life that hold us back and ways to overcome them. After you listen, be sure to check out our other episodes with Brian Bradley and Dr. Steve Ruden, for more golden nuggets of wisdom in regards to business and health.

“The money helps because it’s your access to education to figure out how to be happy and figure out how to lose weight. People that are in positions they don’t want to be, it’s not because they want to be in those positions per se, it’s because they don’t have the education and awareness to get out of those situations.” - Angelo Sisco

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How Angelo dealt having a father in jail while growing up and how this affected him later in life
  • How Angelo lost close to 100 pounds in under a year’s time
  • What happened to make Angelo realize that his business was not growing as fast as he would like, and the changes that turned it around
  • Angelo’s bootstrapped story of how he got his gyms off the ground
  • Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual barriers and how to break them down
  • And much, much more!



Contact Angelo Sisco:

References and Links Mentioned:

Aug 8, 2019

Mike Dillard, previously of Self Made Man and Magnetic Sponsoring and now with The Elevation Group has done some amazing stuff throughout his career. Over the past 12 years, he has started three companies from scratch, in three different industries, and grew each of them to more than 8-figures in revenue. Mike has also built an email list of more than 1 million subscribers and grown a podcast to more than 5 Million downloads all from the comfort of his home.   

He also discusses how he has dealt with anxiety, depression and how building monster companies takes a toll on your body and mind. Mike really opens up and goes down the rabbit hole about how he’s had to change his life. We all have own own struggles and with technology constantly being on, it’s something we can all relate to.

You’ll also hear about Mike other ventures that have not been as successful and how entrepreneurship has certainly had its ups and downs. Listen in as he comes full circle and discusses what his vision is for the future and how he can best assist not only those just starting out but others in the trenches as well. When you are done, be sure to check out our other episodes with Marc Acosta-Rubio and John Assaraf who have also dropped some golden nuggets on successful business practices while maintaining both physical health and mental clarity.

I found that all of my most successful business are inspired by my biggest personal problems, and if I have a problem then I’m motivated to solve it, and if I have a problem there’s a very good chance that others have it as well.” - Mike Dillard

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to deal with stress and anxiety as an entrepreneur
  • Mike’s backstory and how he was able to generate $60,000 a month with his first book within 3 months of publishing
  • Why podcasting is so effective
  • Different business models and which ones worked and which ones Mike blew money on
  • How he is self taught and used his knowledge with other people’s money to set himself up for success
  • How his next book will assist fellow entrepreneurs on important, but not often discussed issues
  • Mike’s awesome blurbs of wisdom
  • And much, much more!

Contact Mike Dillard:

  • - check out Mike’s set to get a free class on how to create a clear vision for your business

References and Links Mentioned:

Aug 6, 2019

We love Neil Patel and basically grew up in our marketing, learning from him and Quick Sprout. While this episode is shorter than our usual ones, there is definitely some gold in here as always, as we discuss the benefits of UberSuggest, how QuickSprout got started as well as Neil’s excellent work ethic and tenacity in distributing so much content on his own.

You’ll also hear how, even though he feels he has a few haters (which means he must be doing something right), he is able to ignore pretty much all the negativity and push on through, only taking in anything that can benefit him in the long run. 

Neil also discusses what he considers would be best practices for just starting out as well as what he does to keep his content fresh and rank continuously with basically no ad spend. After you’ve delved into this episode be sure to check out our previous shows with Paul Clifford and David Sinek, two folks who also know a thing or two about content and SEO. 

My philosophy is don’t get bogged down by people saying negative stuff, take that negativity and if you can improve, improve. If you can’t because it’s just opinions and there’s nothing you can use to make yourself better, then keep moving on.” - Neil Patel

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to get backlinks on your site from SEO
  • Why every little bit helps by posting on a variety of sites
  • Some ideas about the future of the internet and where we are headed 
  • How to use organic content properly
  • Neil’s list of sites for content linking and how to use each one properly
  • How to deal with haters
  • Neil’s tenacity and his content producing machine
  • And much, much more!

Contact :

References and Links Mentioned:




Aug 1, 2019

Navid Moazzez can be referred to as the grandfather of virtual summits even though he’s younger than most of us. He was one of the first ones out there teaching this format and is spreading the word on these powerful marketing tools. He has reengineered what others have been doing and packaged it into a system which has generated over 100,000 emails in the last 12 months alone, making over 7 figures.

Listen to us mastermind on the show as we brainstorm on really cool ways to use virtual summits, and not just the usual ways you are likely used to hearing. Navid gives us a host of ideas on how to repurpose content and how to best create evergreen summits for long term revenue from just one event. 

He also has an amazing list of tools and recommendations that he uses in his business, and will open up your mind to the possibilities, even if you are just starting out without a huge network. We kept our brainstorming session in this one, because the content is too good not to share! After you listen to this episode, be sure to check out our previous shows with Liam Austin and Amber Spears for even more insight on summits as well as getting affiliates on board.  

There’s a lot of gold out there for summits that haven’t been done well or done at all. Many students who saw an opportunity in a market, partnered with someone or did it themselves and just crushed it.” - Navid Moazzez

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

  • How to create mini virtual summits
  • How to use them as an affiliate tool
  • The power of the evergreen virtual summit 
  • List building
  • How to grow your influence and your network around the Dream 100 concept
  • The various types of virtual summits and when to utilize them
  • And much, much more!

Contact Navid Moazzez:

References and Links Mentioned: