George Bryant joins us today, for a long awaited show and today we are talking about how to build better relationships with your customers and lists, and essentially how to make the people in your ecosystem love you and be excited to hear from you, which in turn will bring you profitable results. George has worked with and co-owned so many big brands, such as Adidas and Onit, has been a New York Times best-selling author, and is basically someone who is getting it all done and after listening to this episode you’ll understand why.
George is also the type of guy who will walk into a high powered meeting with a blue mohawk and own the room. He covers a lot of ground in this show, and there’s a boatload of information you will be happy you took in. If this episode has you itching for more information about customer acquisition and balance between health, happiness, and making an impact on the world, be sure to check out what Josh Bartlett adds to the discussion as well as the show we mentioned with Aaron Fletcher.
“The best protective business mechanism that you’ll ever have is giving everything away for free because nobody buys the information, they buy access and accountability based on the best relationship.” - George Bryant
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
Resources From George Bryant:
References and Links Mentioned: